
EFT Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Questions (Answers below):
1. How do I make time for EFT?
2. If I have multiple issues what do I tap on?
3. How do I come up with good setup statements?
4. I have tried EFT but I never feel anything when I tap. What's wrong?
5. How can I get certified in EFT?
6. How can i eliminate limiting beliefs?
7. What if I have a hard time remembering a specific event?
8. Should I use the same words over and over, or vary what I say?
9. Should I use positive affirmations when I tap?
10. I was inspired by your stories about doing surrogate (distance) EFT for people and animals and I was wondering if you have any advice for doing surrogate tapping.

1. How do I make time for EFT?
"I have a very busy life. How do I find the time in an already over-full schedule to use EFT? I know that for chronic conditions I need to work on them every day."

You can either plan 5-15 minutes a day to do EFT and/or you can just do one quick round several times a day. An easy way to do this is to start attaching the idea of doing EFT to things you do every day, things like: getting out of bed, using the toilet, washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating meals, getting into your car, turning on your radio/CD player/DVD player/TV, using your phone and computer, etc. Since it takes a minute or less to do one round of EFT, it is really not an inconvenience. It's more a matter of remembering to do it, and this becomes easy when you connect the idea of tapping to routine activities you do every day.

2. If I have multiple issues what do I tap on?
"I have a lot of issues to work on, a lot of different physical challenges. It seems kind of overwhelming. What do I tap on? How can I use EFT to make the most difference? I am so frustrated about my situation!"

In most cases it is best to focus on specifics with EFT. Gary Craig's analogy is that you can either "trim off the tops of the trees in the forest" by being general in your approach (tapping on all of your problems at once), or you can focus on one "tree" (issue) at a time and take it down (reduce the intensity), then another tree and take it down, etc. The advantage to working on one tree at a time is that the root systems of the trees are connected, and by felling several trees you end up taking other trees down as well without having to address each of them individually.

You mentioned that you are frustrated. You might also want to tap on your frustration about the fact that you have so many issues to resolve. That is also a tappable issue, and if you can reduce your intensity regarding your frustration (or eliminate it) the reduction in your stress level would probably be of some help.

3. How do I come up with good setup statements?
"My greatest block is coming up with good setup statements (and reminder phrases). I not sure whether to make them positive (what I want to achieve) or a negative (what I'm trying to remember not to do or feel) affirmations. I decided to go for the positive but I am not sure I'm doing the right thing."

Here is what I suggest. The positives are not the problem, the negatives are the problem. So you want to be sure to tap on those. You can write down your thoughts and then look at what you wrote to find words to use in your setup statements. EFT Founder Gary Craig encouraged us to focus on specifics as when people are too general they are less likely to get results.

You can use one single phrase for all the tapping points or a different phrase for each tapping point. Feel free to get creative with it and use your intuition. It's a very forgiving process, and as long as your intention is clear and you are hitting the right spots on your body (where the tapping points are) you are likely to make progress.

4. I have tried EFT but I never feel anything when I tap. What's wrong?

Several of my clients clients who tried EFT before we worked together, and even watched the DVDs, said they experienced no results. Once we worked together they discovered how to use EFT more proficiently and then were able to do it on their own. When I first found EFT I DID have immediate results both when tapping on myself and with clients, which is why I was immediately so excited about it. So I think it can go either way: you can get it immediately on your own, or sometimes it works better to learn from an EFT practitioner or other person who is skilled enough to offer you assistance.

If you are not educated about "aspects" it's easy to think you are not getting results when you actually are. Aspects are the multiple pieces or layers that may need to be tapped on in order to entirely collapse an issue. Sometimes it takes chipping away at a block for a while before a whole iceberg falls off into the ocean. This is also why it's very handy to understand how to use the SUDS scale, so that you can measure the increase in your feeling of relief as you are chipping away at the block. Being specific enough is also important.


5. How can I get certified in EFT?

Please click here.

6. How can i eliminate limiting beliefs?

EFT Founder Gary Craig uses the analogy of table legs and table tops. A limiting belief is like a table top that is held up by specific events we have experienced in our lives. A specific event in EFT is defined as being something that happened that took 2 minutes or less. During these experiences the belief was either formed or reinforced. When you tap on specific events you can get to the core of the creation of the belief and transform it. It may take tapping on multiple specific events to change the belief but with each specific event you collapse you typically will gain some insights that will lead you in that direction. Be sure when you collapse a specific event, taking it to zero, that you then test your work to be sure you have collapsed all aspects (pieces of experience).

7. What if I have a hard time remembering a specific event?

Some people find recalling specific events difficult. This may be because they are events that happened when they were very young or simply because they just don't seem accessible in their memory. You can make up specific events and EFT will still work. You can tell yourself the story of the event and tap while you do so. The reason this technique works is that, in working with specific events (made up or remembered) we are looking for the emotions in the story, and a made up story will still carry those emotions. As always, remember to test your work when you think it is complete.

8. Should I use the same words over and over, or vary what I say?

You can simply use the same words over and over. That is called “mechanical EFT” and it works (as long as you have a good target). Alternatively, you can use other language. When you watch YouTube EFT videos a lot of times people are being too broad and general with their language so I don’t generally send people there to learn. EFT Founder Gary Craig’s
emofree.com website is the best place to watch videos to be sure you are watching good technique. But the key really is to stay on the target with your language and not drift around. As long as you are doing that you can say whatever is there. It often feels natural to do this and also works very well.

9. Should I use positive affirmations when I tap?

Using positive language with EFT is useful in that, if you are not congruent with the positive statement, EFT will help eliminate negative feelings associated with the positive statement. Once you are emotionally entirely congruent with the positive statement it is probably no longer going to be very helpful simply because you won't need it any more. If you really take care of all the negative emotions in a specific target there is no need to try to “install” something positive because our true nature is already wholeness and peace. And, EFT has the capacity to help move us more and more into that state of wholeness and peace. Having said that, I encourage you to do what works for you, what you feel produces the best results for you. If you have questions you can contact me here.

10. I was inspired by your stories about doing surrogate (distance) EFT for people and animals and I was wondering if you have any advice for doing surrogate tapping.

Ask Spirit/God to help you, find a good EFT target, and then use your intuition and tap until it is clear. Don't worry about doing it "right" or "perfectly". That's not what this is about. Just use the SUDs numbers (test from 0-10) and work until you clear it. At that point you won’t know what the results will be, but my experience is that generally if you do that there will be some outward change. I always trust Spirit to guide me, and I am very thorough. That is what I suggest. I wish you all the best with your work in the area of surrogate EFT.

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