Using EFT for Cravings

Do you have any cravings you wish you could resolve? EFT might be just what you need.

One of the most common uses of EFT is for food cravings. My clients and students have typically had excellent results in letting go of these, especially when their tapping is focused and specific. Clients have also successfully tapped away cravings for other substances, and even relationships they are addicted to.

Cravings, addictive triggers, and negative thoughts/emotions increase the stress response in the body. However, EFT sends a message to the amygdala in the brain that helps reduce the stress response.
As your stress level goes down, and your ability to think clearly goes up, it becomes easier to make better, more rational decisions about whether to engage in activities that, in the long run, are unhealthy. In a relaxed state, the craving is no longer the driver. And, as you are able to access your own inner strength and address the emotional issues behind the craving/addiction with tapping you begin to experience more freedom.

One of the best things about EFT is that you can use it on an "as needed basis" as it is always available at your fingertips---at the moment the craving strikes.