Using EFT to Improve Relationships

EFT is well known for it's ability to reduce negative emotions, but did you know it's also great for improving relationships? It is useful for couples, friendships, family and work relationships, and every other kind of relationship.

One of the best things about working on relationships with EFT is that it only takes one person doing the tapping (you) to bring about an improvement. If both people tap, all better. But it's not required in order to experience an upturn in the quality of the relationship.

As you may already know, EFT addresses negative emotions—and the thoughts and beliefs that go along with them—by reducing blocks in the emotional system of the body (the meridian system). When you have these blocks you are going to respond more negatively than you would without them. Add to this the fact that under stress we get hijacked into our more primitive reptilian brain, and it's easy to see why using EFT would be helpful for relationships.

Typically, tapping on specific events (defined in Gold Standard EFT as something that took two minutes or less to happen in real time) will produce the best results. You can tap on the event that is bothering you. And, tapping on additional previous events with a similar emotional feeling as the one you are currently dealing with can often help get to the core of the problem.

Take some time to tap every day. It could really change your life!