What Should I Say When I Tap?

One of the most common questions people ask is "What should I say when I tap?". First of all, it's a good idea to have a specific target (a specific event, a physical sensation or discomfort in your body, etc.) Once you have that, here is one good way to find some specific words to use.

Just as we have five outer senses (seeing, hearing, feeling/kinesthetic, smelling and tasting) you also have these same five senses in an inner sense. For example, you can see a lemon and pick it up and feel the texture of it's skin. And, you can cut into it and smell and taste it. But you can also IMAGINE seeing a lemon, feeling the texture of it's skin, and smelling and tasting it. You don't have to have a lemon sitting on your counter top to experience a lemon!

When you are tapping on a memory technically the whole memory is internal. But you can still use the external/internal model to help find the aspects necessary to collapsing the issue.

Once you have a specific target, you can look for aspects of your experience that relate to your five inner and outer senses. For example:

You are upset because you have a performance review at your job. Your boss said that you didn't do a good enough job on the Robins Report, and you disagree. You left your boss' office feeling frustrated and unappreciated and are finding it hard to let go of the negative feelings.

Here are some of the sensory pieces you might have experienced in this scenario that could be tapped on:

• The moment when he said, "You didn't do a good enough job on the Robin's Report." (external auditory)
• Saying to myself, "He's got to be kidding!" (internal auditory)
• Feeling myself sinking into the hardness of the chair I was sitting in. (external kinesthetic)
• My feeling of disbelief when he said that. (internal kinesthetic)
• Getting a heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach when he said that. (internal kinesthetic)
• Remembering the look on my boss' face when he made that comment. (external visual)

This is a way of finding the little pieces of experience that are part of a larger experience (that can be very brief, just moments long). Tapping in this kind of detail can produce some really marvelous results.

Give this a try and then I'd love it if you'd
write to me and let me know what happens for you. I look forward to your questions and learning about your results!